Yoga and Spirituality: Wholesome Practice Or Capitalist Tool?
Exploring the evolution of yoga and spirituality, its modern connotations and uses in modern capitalist societies.

5 Tips To Deal With Anger
I have been approached a couple of times with a simple question: how can I deal with anger? So, I have compiled 5 tips to deal with anger through yoga!

6 Tips For Dealing With Anxiety
Anxiety is a common issue in many people, but it can be quite…

What is Hatha Yoga?
Nowadays yoga styles like Vinyasa and Ashtanga are all the rage,…

6 Benefits To Using Singing Bowls In Your Yoga Practice
Many yoga teachers use singing bowls in their classes, or have…

The Secrets of the Yogic Diet
Every time we go online or open a newspaper or magazine we will…


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